
 The results 1 to 4 from 4
Young Woman Playing a Viola Da Gamba
Young Woman Playing a Viola Da Gamba
19.00 x 21.25 inches
Price: $134.99
Museums of Germany / Alte Pinakothek (Munich)
Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Young Woman Playing a Viola da Gamba
Young Woman Playing a Viola da Gamba
24.50 x 28.25 inches
Price: $174.99
Museums of Germany / Alte Pinakothek (Munich)
Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Portraits of the Three Eldest Children of Charles I, King of England
Portraits of the Three Eldest Children of Charles I, King of England
33.50 x 30.00 inches
Price: $219.99
Museums of Germany / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen (Dresden)
Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Self Portrait, circa 1622
Self Portrait, circa 1622
24.25 x 28.25 inches
Price: $174.99
Museums of Germany / Alte Pinakothek (Munich)
Sir Anthony Van Dyck

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