
 The results 1 to 10 from 133
Uncle Sam Sawing Wood, c.1932
Uncle Sam Sawing Wood, c.1932
12.00 x 14.00 inches
Price: $19.99
Americana / Uncle Sam
Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Circus Dog, c.1922
Circus Dog, c.1922
12.00 x 14.00 inches
Price: $19.99
Dogs & Puppies / Poodle
Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Easter, c.1923
Easter, c.1923
28.00 x 34.00 inches
Price: $94.99
Art Styles / Vintage Art
Joseph Christian Leyendecker
St. Valentine, c.1924
St. Valentine, c.1924
28.00 x 34.00 inches
Price: $94.99
Angels / Cherubs
Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Cow Joins the Picnic, c.1933
Cow Joins the Picnic, c.1933
28.00 x 34.00 inches
Price: $94.99
Animals / Cattle
Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Easter, c.1919
Easter, c.1919
12.00 x 14.00 inches
Price: $19.99
Holidays / Easter
Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Turkey in the Tree, c.1939
Turkey in the Tree, c.1939
12.00 x 14.00 inches
Price: $19.99
Birds / Turkeys
Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Lifeguard, c.1919
Lifeguard, c.1919
28.00 x 34.00 inches
Price: $94.99
Art Styles / Vintage Art
Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Robert E. Lee, c.1940
Robert E. Lee, c.1940
28.00 x 34.00 inches
Price: $94.99
Political Leaders / Robert E. Lee
Joseph Christian Leyendecker
Water Wings, c.1922
Water Wings, c.1922
12.00 x 14.00 inches
Price: $19.99
Costume & Fashion / Swimwear
Joseph Christian Leyendecker
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